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Closing in your hands

Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation is putting the power of closing in your hands by offering Fairway ExpressClose and  Fairway virtual close.* These options provide borrowers the flexibility of a faster and more efficient closing either at the settlement agent's office or in the comfort of their own home.

Fairway Express Close

With Fairway Express Close, you

can review and sign documents electronically in the closing center, making for an improved closing experience. this is a hybrid eclosing with a combination of both wet-signed documents and electronically-signed documents.


  • The borrower and settlement agent meet to sign documents

  • Less time at closing

  • No missed signatures

  • No cost to the settlement agent or borrower


Fairway Virtual Close

Fairway virtual close allows borrowers to close remotely, where they will meet with a virtual notary online to electronically sign the entire closing package. there is no need for travel or face-to-face interaction; instead, close from the comfort of your home.


  • Borrower & settlement agent meet with a notary in a virtual closing room

  • Close at your convenience

  • Easily log in & close from home

  • No wet signing of documents required

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